Today's event : the top 5 reasons of Bill Gates' success

Bill Gates, who was named at the top of the list for the last 22 years in the list of the richest people in the United States, is Forbes Magazine. He is the richest man in the world for 13 years alone. He founded the tech company Microsoft. He is also a pioneer in the personal computer revolution. Bill Gates is the 2nd great person in the United States to donate $ 20 billion to various charitable organizations.
top 5 reasons of Bill Gates' success

Today's event is the 5 top reasons of Bill Gates' success. Let's see, the key to his success.

1. Strong mind must be emphasized:

Although Microsoft is a billion-dollar organization today, the story from the beginning was not so.

He had to worry about where his monthly salary would come from the friends he hired when Microsoft started. But he was very excited about the future of Microsoft. Even the biggest risk he took was not in his head. But with complete confidence in his skills, he started working. He believes that a businessman must possess a very strong mind. He has to be so prepared to work hard that he has to get out of his mentality. Bill Gates said Microsoft had to wait five to five years to reach normal returns.

2. Victims:

Although Bill Gates was not interested in conventional studies, Harvard University was one of the best educational institutions in the world. He stayed with the computer most of the time. So that's what happened. He fell from the university in the sky.

He said he wanted to do something for himself. The upper-middle-class family also accepted his obedience. Six years after leaving Harvard University, Bill Gates received an honorary degree in 2001. Speaking that day, Bill Gates said:

    "I am the best of those who failed. Finally, a college degree was added to my CV. "

That is, Bill Gates believes that having a big hit or a bad situation in life is also the key to success.

3. Work hard:

Bill Gates has worked hard for Microsoft on the weekends. He used to rest only two weeks a year. And on his holiday he spent reading books and thinking about the future of the business. That is to say, there is no substitute for hard work to achieve success. You have to work hard. Behind all the success of the world is the story of hard work. Bill Gates is no exception.

4. Build the future:

Keep in mind future needs. Update the organization regularly. Bring new ideas to life. With the Microsoft operating system, Bill Gates was meeting the technical needs of the then big companies. Powerful office application software such as Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel was unmatched in the market.

5. Enjoy your work:

You have to enjoy your work what you are doing. According to Bill Gates, working with smart people, thinking about success, dealing with new problems is a very enjoyable thing. And if you cannot enjoy your work, you will not love the work. And if you do not love work, it is impossible to succeed. So love work, try new things.
Today's event : the top 5 reasons of Bill Gates' success Today's event : the top 5 reasons of Bill Gates' success Reviewed by shuhel shab on 9/29/2019 Rating: 5
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