part-3, Closed timelike curve (CTC) or closed timed curve, Black Hole and LHC

Another example could be sheltered for this. When an object travels away from a large constellation, the pull of gravity will be felt on the moving axis of that object. In other words, it will have an impact on the cosmos of that object as gravitational force will want to pull that object. As a result, when we draw a diagram, we can see that the curves will become a little like the eyes or curves. If an object wants to fall freely, it will be seen that the object is moving at its latitude, but an observer from outside will think that the object will accelerate at latitude.

Then the CTC will be formed only when there are multiple illumination sequences that are constantly being created in such a way that they revolve again and create a loop back to the previous location. So this means that an object is rotating on its axis and coming back a little like this. That was the position and the beginning of the period. If an object of such an axis is to fall freely, then Line comes back at the same point again and again. The possibility of returning to the original point of space is one of the possibilities, that is, the future light of the object indicates both the front and back of the tetrahedron of latitude.

Now if the model of teraelectron volt is true in LHC (here it is because it has not yet been introduced in full flag or its parameters are being evaluated by the initial tests) then the possibility of creating a mini black hole is very strong. And if Planck's parameters can be collided with all the parameters, then these black holes can be taken as stables. The geometric structure of the RHC can be thought of as very deep (remember the model of the rotating universe of God. I thought it was quite ujjbalaekhane made the miniblaka hole Hawking radiation would follow, but when it will begin to act like mini-wormhole naturally in the classical theory of physics or karyakaranera likely to be beaten. However, it is possible to maintain the continuity of physics by taking into account Hawking's chronological protection conjecture.

It will follow this conjugation only if it enters the wormhole or even a particle. However, the question that comes with the stability of the wormhole here is that it can be bypassed with ascetic matter, and that is if the required amount of ascetic matrix exists in the wormhole, and the kernel tetanization amplitude of black hole to become a wormhole (of course, Kachir's Surface-Kelch) Follows the Wit formalization. If you think about the geometric mass of a wormhole here, its form factors combine with some of the theoretical uncertainties, such as the initial mass-energy that exists within the wormhole and the diffusion form factor of the wormhole, which is essentially a function of energy. These corrections are similar to the black hole correction (that is, in the Swordschild solution of the D-dimension, the radius of the Swordschild excludes the existence of the other dimension).

At the end of the mathematical interpretation of the Bangla translation, it was like how the sun went down. Maybe I'll try to explain it in a simpler way!
The last words are not finished

The principle of causation is a fundamental principle of physics. In quantum field theory, causality contrasts with each other, in the case of high and high energy forces. Axo is like making a hole However, a wormhole containing a matrix can be triggered by a proton-proton collision of a terelectron volt. However, since this phenomenon is against the principle of classical physics, we can follow Hocking's Chronological Protection conjunctival model, which is in line with classical physics. Blackhole and wormhole making there must be some test signatures in the Takaranjanata that remain And interestingly, the transition between quantum particles involved in the collision and the black hole/wormhole is to insert the amplitude within the wave function of the wormhole.

However, the possibility of making a wormhole from a stable black hole depends as much as the existence of other dimensions and the possibility of activation through extensive relativism. However, it may take time for the results of all the tests to come up for another 3-4 years, when physicists can tell with their hands in the physics that the hidden nature of time machine possibilities and the nature of the story mean it!n it!
part-3, Closed timelike curve (CTC) or closed timed curve, Black Hole and LHC part-3, Closed timelike curve (CTC) or closed timed curve, Black Hole and LHC Reviewed by shuhel shab on 9/29/2019 Rating: 5
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