Learning some wrong things! Let’s rectify...

I know nothing wrong! Bangladesh our country has forgotten to forget! In a short time, I have eaten many beats to a teacher. But then I always wanted to point my finger at four kinds of people. Small talk would not have come in the mouth.

The four types of people were:

  •  Doctors in this country,
  •  Lawyer of this country,
  • World Husbandry
  • And the physicists of the world right now!

However, not everyone, both of them are right, my finger will never reach them!

Now come to know some wrong things!

    1) How has the great world been created?

    Incorrect Answer: The Big Bang!
    Correct Answer: Big Bounce!

    2) What number of universe are we in?

    Incorrect Answer: First, because we are God's first and foremost servants!
    Correct Answer: Looks like I'm in the 2 billionth universes (infinity might!)

    3) What was the density of the Big Bang?

    Incorrect answer: Infinite!
    The correct answer: Sesame, but not near the boundary of the infinite!

    4) What is the future of our universe?

    Incorrect answer: Resurrection means Big Crunch!
    Correct Answer: As you continue to grow, the gravitational force that exists at our subatomic level, Payer’s Resurrection is not the best chance of being in the universe at all! Everyone is at ease!

    3) If the journey started after the Big Bang, what was the Big Bang before?

    Incorrect Answer: The Big Bang has been shown to be the primary activity for particle creation at all subatomic levels. Since he started everything here, there is no explanation for the creation of time before that!
    The correct answer: there was time to stay! Nobody has the ability to press on it! Time is everywhere.

You're invited!

It is possible to answer all this according to quantum gravitational theory! But to be honest, I do not have the responsibility of answering the questions right here!
Learning some wrong things! Let’s rectify... Learning some wrong things! Let’s rectify... Reviewed by shuhel shab on 9/29/2019 Rating: 5
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