How to Avoid Buffering on YouTube

YouTube is a popular platform for watching videos online. However, playing the video slows down, causing upset.

How to Avoid Buffering on YouTube

Some steps can get rid of this problem. Let's find out how to avoid buffering.

Reduce the resolution

HD (120p) and Full HD (4p) quality video streaming require fast internet. But for many the Internet is slow. In this case, it is possible to avoid buffering by reducing the resolution of YouTube videos. These resolutions should be selected according to the speed.

For this, when viewing a video from a browser or an app, you should reduce the resolution by clicking on the video's settings icon.

Browser Verification

When browsing YouTube using a browser on a PC, the speed of the Internet is buffering at times. To solve this, you need to clear the browser's data and cache files. The option can be found in the browser settings.
In addition, the Internet browser must always be used in the updated version.

Mobile app data deleted

The YouTube app on Android has long been used to store a lot of data. Because of this, YouTube videos may be slower to play. To fix this problem, the data in the YouTube app must be deleted or the app will be solved once it is uninstalled and reinstalled.

Speed   check the Internet

In most cases, the YouTube video does not work properly or stops playing (buffering) due to the slow internet. In that case, the problem can be solved by speeding up the internet. For this, you need to get high-speed internet service. If the speed is low, the speed should be resolved if the speed is low. Details of this can be found in this report.
How to Avoid Buffering on YouTube How to Avoid Buffering on YouTube Reviewed by shuhel shab on 9/29/2019 Rating: 5
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